
Total of 6,163 CAO offers to be issued today

Total of 6,163 CAO offers to be issued today
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The Central Applications Office (CAO) will today issue a total of 6,163 offers of college places to students.

Round zero offers are made to CAO applicants who are not competing with students awaiting Leaving Certificate 2021 grades, or who are assessed on other criteria.

As the Irish Examiner reports, people who fall into this category include graduate entry medicine applicants, additional mature applicants, deferred and Access applicants, and applicants presenting QQI FET/Fetac qualifications.

Offers will be available to view online from 10am on Thursday, with successful applicants to also receive an email and a text message with details of their offer, if they have selected this option.


This year, there were 3,950 level 8 offers and 2,213 level 7/6 offers issued in round zero.

The reply date by which applicants must accept their offer is August 10th at 3pm.

“We urge mature, deferred, graduate entry medicine, and access applicants to log in to their CAO accounts today to check if they have received a round zero offer,” said Eileen Keleghan, CAO communications officer.

Reply date

“QQI FET/Fetac applicants who applied for a course with a quota for QQI FET applicants should also check their account.”


“Offers must be accepted by 3pm on Tuesday next, August 10th. Failure to accept an offer by the reply date will result in the offer being cancelled,” she added.

To date, a total of 14,071 offers have been issued by CAO in round A and round zero to a total of 11,116 applicants.

Round one offers will be issued on Tuesday, September 7th.

They will be available to view online only from 2pm that day, and successful applicants will also receive offer notification by email and text message if they have selected this option.

There will be no postal offer notices.

The reply date for round one offers is September 13th at 3pm.

Round two offers will be available to view online from September 20th at 10am.

More information about the CAO offer and acceptance process is available here.

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