
Tearful scenes from Waterford parishioners as friary held final mass

Tearful scenes from Waterford parishioners as friary held final mass
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After almost 800 years in Waterford, the final mass was celebrated in the Franciscan Friary in Waterford yesterday at 1pm.

In 2019, the final order departed Waterford, however mass was still held on a regular basis on Lady Lane with friars travelling from Clonmel.

The church was full for the final mass, with many parishioners bringing gifts for members of the clergy and for staff of the friary. Many parishioners were overcome with emotion on leaving the church.

Speaking with WLR, Teresa Burke says it has been a joy to have worked there for almost 19 years.


"It was a joy to have been there with all the priests who came through the friary throughout the years. There are repairs being done in the church at the moment before anything further can be done with the church, " she said.


National closures

Speaking during his homily, the priest said the chapel in St. Luke's in Clonmel was recently deconsecrated, marking the end of the chaplaincy there.


He said, it is a time of great sadness but also a time for much hope.

Addressing those present, he said the friary is a place which holds many memories for Waterford people, evidenced by the high numbers in which they turned out.

Dwindling numbers and an increasingly elderly has contributed to the closure of many Franciscan friaries around Ireland.

Since the order withdrew friars from Waterford in May 2019, personnel attached to Clonmel attended at the Waterford friary for one day a week to maintain a presence in the city.

However, minister provincial of the Irish Franciscans, Fr Aidan McGrath told the Irish Times last year that: “This direct support will regretfully no longer be possible. I also want to recognise and thank our volunteers in Waterford for the wonderful work they do on behalf of the local community — and we will now be engaging with them on how their important work can continue despite our withdrawal from Clonmel.”

Nationally, friaries have closed in Clonmel, and Cork, with a final mass to be celebrated this weekend in Athlone before that too, will close.



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