
Precautions in place for Storm Betty in Waterford

Precautions in place for Storm Betty in Waterford

A Status Orange Weather Warning has been issued for Waterford, with wind and heavy rain on Friday evening into Saturday morning.  The public is advised that Storm Betty will bring south to southwest gales with severe gusts of up to 130km/hr.  The warning is valid from 9pm (Friday, August 18th) until 3am (Saturday, August 19th).

The OPW has advised that there will be a period of storm surge and Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) are expected to be exceeded.

The Prom in Tramore will be closed from 2pm this afternoon until further notice.  Davitt’s Quay Carpark, The Look Out, Castle Street Carpark and The Pond in Dungarvan will all be closed from 5pm this evening and Waterford City and County Council is advising the public to ensure no cars are left in these car parks overnight as they are at risk of coastal flooding.

Waterford City and County Council is in the process of erecting all appropriate flood defence barriers in Waterford City and Passage East and the situation is being actively monitored.


Fergus Galvin, Director of Services with Waterford City and County Council has urged the public to exercise caution.  “With the possibility of severe winds and localised and coastal flooding, driving conditions will be difficult.  We would urge the public to heed all public safety advice and avoid unnecessary journeys until the storm has receded. Keep away from coastal areas and stay back, stay high and stay dry.”Members of the public can continue to contact Waterford City and County Council’s Customer Services Desks on 0818 10 20 20 during normal office hours after which calls will be transferred to the Council’s emergency services number.

Please note the following emergency contact numbers below:

Emergency 999/112Uisce Éireann 1800 278 278ESB Networks 1800 372 999Gas Networks Ireland 1800 205 050

With severe winds predicted Waterford City and County Council advises the public to:

  • Stay away from all coastal areas for the duration of the Met Éireann warnings
  • All road users should be aware of the hazardous travelling conditions, and only necessary journeys should be undertaken
  • The public are warned electricity wires are always live, never approach. If you see fallen or damaged wires, keep clear and phone ESB Networks immediately on 1800 372 999