
New homes created at former Waterford City pub site

New homes created at former Waterford City pub site
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The former Ryan’s Pub site on Barrack Street in Waterford City has been transformed into 8 new homes.

The pub lay derelict for many years, but has now been repurposed into homes thanks to the repair and lease scheme.

Senator John Cummins (Fine Gael) has hailed how Waterford has led the way nationally with the scheme.

He believes it’s success has been a win win for everyone, and says the scheme has greatly reduced pressures on emergency accommodations.


“Waterford has led the way in terms of the repair and lease scheme. We’ve delivered nearly 50% of all the repair and lease units that have been delivered nationally. This is great for Waterford. It’s resulted in the delivery of much needed one and two bed accommodation, predominately in our city centre. It’s had a dramatic impact in terms of reducing our reliance on emergency accommodation and it’s brought many derelict and vacant buildings back into productive use for housing. I see this as a win win for everyone.”

Senator Cummins has now called for the expansion of the repair and lease scheme to provide cost rental homes for middle income earners.

He believes Waterford would be the perfect place to pilot such a scheme and deliver much needed housing.

“What I want to see is the extension of the repair and lease scheme to allow for the delivery of cost rental units for middle income earners. Those people that are above the threshold for social housing but living in high rental accommodation. It can be easily done. Waterford is the perfect place to pilot such a scheme. It’s important that we get the tenure mix, particularly in our city centre now to have both social, affordable and private delivery of housing.”


Senator Cummins told WLR that it is frustrating to see derelict buildings with the country in the midst of a housing crisis. He criticised other counties for their lack of engagement with the repair and lease scheme, acknowledging that had other counties across Ireland followed Waterford’s lead - 3,000 more homes could have been brought on stream by now.

The Fine Gael representative says 2022 must be the year where the government delivers affordable housing for middle income earners and young people.

He says a number of schemes will come on board in quarter two of this year that should improve the current landscape.

“This year has to be the year that we deliver in terms of affordable housing for middle income earners and young people. That’s why we are going to see the Shared Equity scheme commence in Q2 of this year. There’s a number of affordable schemes that have gone up to the Department just Christmas week. I think cost rental to be able to compete with the private rental market is the key to unlocking things for young people, in particular.”

According to Senator Cummins, the only way we will see a reduction in rents will be via the delivery of many cost rental units.

“I want to see the repair and lease scheme extended to allow for a pilot scheme for cost rental in Waterford. There needs to be a reduction in rents and the only way you are going to do that is through the delivery of a number of cost rental units.”

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