
Road deaths rose 13% last year, provisional figures show

Road deaths rose 13% last year, provisional figures show
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By Jonathan McCambridge, PA

The number of road deaths in the Republic in 2022 increased by 13 per cent from the previous year, provisional figures have shown.

A total of 155 people died in 149 fatal road collisions last year, compared to 137 deaths in 124 collisions in 2021.

The figures were published by the Road Safety Authority (RSA) following an analysis of provisional fatal collision reports by gardaí.



The data also shows that the number of pedestrians killed in 2022 almost doubled to 41, compared to 2021.

Despite a decrease in the number of drivers killed, they still accounted for the highest proportion of fatalities at 39 per cent.

There were 22 passenger fatalities, and seven cyclists were killed.

Provisional figures indicate 1,292 serious injuries were recorded up to December 29th, compared to 1,342 up to the same period in 2021.

Cork (13), Dublin (13) and Limerick (10) were the counties that recorded the highest number of deaths.

New Minister for Agriculture appointed
Jack Chambers voiced concern at the road death statistics. Photo: Brian Lawless/PA

Minister of State for Transport Jack Chambers said: “I am very concerned that so many lives have been lost on the roads in 2022.

“The high number of pedestrian deaths, who are the most vulnerable of road users in our community, is also worrying.

“Working together, we can reverse this trend in 2023. For my part, I am determined to work with all the agencies signed up to the Government’s Road Safety Strategy to action measures to make our roads safe.

“Specifically, I look forward to the enactment of the new Road Traffic and Roads Bill in 2023.

“The Bill, amongst other road safety measures, will allow for the direct linking of vehicle and driver records held on the National Vehicle and Driver File which will assist An Garda Siochana in their road traffic enforcement activities.

“It will also allow for the regulation of e-scooters on public roads and will allow Transport Infrastructure Ireland to vary speed limits on sections of the M50.”

Liz O’Donnell, chairwoman of the RSA, said: “The end of year road fatality figures for 2022 should serve as a reminder to us all of our shared responsibility to always be safety aware on our roads, and to pay special attention to motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

“We simply must get back on track and reverse the increase in deaths.”

Gardai Assistant Commissioner Paula Hilman said: “Sadly 2022 saw a rise in fatalities and serious injuries on our roads.

Coronavirus – Mon Oct 12, 2020
An Garda Síochána assistant commissioner for roads, policing and community Paula Hilman vowed action to make the roads safer. Photo: Niall Carson/PA

“We think of the families, friends and communities impacted by such devastating loss and injury.

“We are committed to reversing this trend and will continue to work with all agencies and ensure we play our part in delivering the Government Road Safety Strategy and measures needed to make our roads safer.”

The State’s fifth Government Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 aims to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on the roads by 50 per cent by 2030.

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