A number of businesses and sports clubs in West Waterford have temporarily closed after a suspected Covid-19 outbreak.
All Gaelic Games activity in An Rinn and an Ghaeltacht has ceased due to health and safety concerns regarding positive Covid cases in the area.
It is not yet known how many cases have arisen in the wider area.
Councillor Conor McGuinness, who lives in An Rinn, said locals were to be commended for taking the step to cease activity.
"This is a close-knit community, people know one another," he said, "My thoughts are with those affected, it is a very worrying time, especially for families but I want to say that the clubs and businesses that have taken the decision to stop activity temporarily as a precaution are to be commended and it it clear that they're putting the interests of their community first."
Mr McGuinness added that he has asked the HSE to consider introducing a temporary testing facility: "The policy at the moment is to have high through-put test centres like in Kilcohan Park in Waterford city, and that remains the policy at the moment. There needs to be a facility for local testing and for situations like this, and as clusters emerge it also facilitates those who maybe don't have the wherewithal to travel."
Premises closed after suspected virus cluster in West Waterford
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