
Planning re-submitted for Engineering Building at SETU

Planning re-submitted for Engineering Building at SETU

SETU has re-submitted a planning application to Waterford City and County Council for the construction of an engineering building on its Waterford campus.

It follows an already approved application from 2019. The application from 2019 is due to expire on December 17th of this year.

Since it was approved, there have been no construction activities on campus.

The building has been in the planning stages since 2007, however, the project was terminated in 2011. The recently filed planning request, submitted on September 3, closely resembles the application that was submitted in 2019.


The development will include engineering, computing, and general teaching facilities, covering a floor area of 12,899 square meters. The structure comprises a building with five floors above a ground floor, along with a rooftop plant and architectural screening. It will feature a central atrium and will offer various educational spaces, such as lecture halls, labs, workshops, studios, and administrative areas.

A decision is due back by October 28th.

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