
Planning granted for 98 home development in Kilmacthomas

Planning granted for 98 home development in Kilmacthomas

Planning permission has been granted by Waterford City & County Council for a 98-home housing development in Graigueshoneen, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford. The application has been made by South Eastern Construction (Kents).

Following extensive requests for Further Information, permission is granted for the demolition of existing agricultural building and construction of 98 dwellings to comprise of ten 4-bed detached 2 storey houses, 36 4-bed semi detached 2-storey houses, 36  3-bed semi detached 2-storey houses, 10 2-bed semi detached 2 storey houses, and six 2-bed single storey houses.

Included in the permission granted are new vehicular and pedestrian site entrances , together with new mains water and foul sewage connections. Additionally, the provision of a storm water attenuation pond to north of site has been granted.

An environmental impact survey has been submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.


The initial application received significant submissions from the public, with concerns raised over the impact a higher volume of families would have on the availability of school places in the region. One such submission raised concerns that a higher volume of school-aged children in the village would see a return of pre-fabricated buildings in the local primary school.

The permission is subject to 30 conditions from the planning authority.

The decision can be appealed to An Bord Pleanala, and in the event of no appeal, a final authorisation on the development will be issued, meaning no works can take place until such time.

