
Permission granted for West Waterford windfarm

Permission granted for West Waterford windfarm

Planning permission has been granted by An Bord Pleanála for a 17 turbine windfarm in West Waterford.

In 2021, RWE submitted an application to erect the turbines along the Waterford/Cork border.

The Lyrenacarriga Wind Farm is intended to be located along 733 hectares 5km south-east of Tallow and 9km north-west of Youghal.

Sinn Féin Councillor Conor D. McGuinness has expressed his disappointment and frustration with the decision of An Bord Pleanála.


He said: "The local community was united in its opposition. There were dedicated queues in several local post offices such was the volume of submissions being sent to An Bord Pleanála. 

“I made a detailed submission opposing the development as part of the planning application. I also secured a strong official position against the development on the part of Waterford Council management, and worked across party lines to secure a strong endorsement from councillors for this position."

Cllr. McGuinness says he expects legal action to arise following the decision to grant permission in the face of significant opposition.

At a meeting of Waterford Council at the Park Hotel on the 17th of September 2020, Cllr. James Tobin asked that the council request that application and further investigations cease during the pandemic. He received support from all councillors.




