
New Tramore Skatepark set to ‘bowl over’ skateboarders

New Tramore Skatepark set to ‘bowl over’ skateboarders

Work is progressing well on Tramore’s newest outdoor amenity, the Skatepark on the Lower Prom.

The high-quality facility will be constructed in concrete and combine elements of bowl and street plaza features.  It has been designed with the specific needs of skateboarders in mind with input from the local skateboarding community.

Dawn Wallace, Senior Executive Officer, Waterford City and County Council said, “The skatepark is shaping up really well, and even at this early stage the feedback from skateboarders and the local community has been extremely positive.

“Not only will the skatepark be an attractive and accessible outdoor recreational facility, but it will also be a fabulous asset to the town and significantly improve the aesthetics on the Lower Prom and make Tramore an even more inviting destination for tourists, day-trippers and locals.”


Construction work, Tramore Skatepark

Construction work, Tramore Skatepark

Construction work, Tramore Skatepark

Construction work, Tramore Skatepark


 Brian Murray, Assistant Engineer with Waterford City and County Council added, “This new state of art skatepark is to replace the former facility on the site. The former skatepark was a great draw for dedicated skateboarders, however over a period of twenty years the infrastructure constructed from steel and fibreglass deteriorated gradually.

“The new concrete skatepark will be much more resilient to the elements and provide a safer boarding experience for all users.”

Local skateboarding groups were consulted in the creation of the preliminary design, and specialist companies Browne Brothers Site Services Limited and Vulcano Skateparks were engaged to undertake the detailed design and construction.


The input from the skateboarders was very much taken on board and when officially opened later in the Autumn, skaters of all abilities will be able to effortlessly complete their ollies, frontside 180s, laser flips and kick flips in the bowl section, while at the street plaza area, skaters can negotiate street obstacles such as railings and ledges.

The main funding stream for the project is the Community Recognition Fund from the Department of Rural and Community Development with additional funds provided by Waterford City and County Council.

The new Tramore Skatepark will be officially opened by the Mayor of Waterford City and County Cllr. Jason Murphy in September.

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