
Minister for Justice Helen McEntee wins confidence vote

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee wins confidence vote

James Cox

The Government has won a Dáil confidence vote in Minister for Justice Helen McEntee by 83 votes to 63.

The vote followed significant political pressure following the recent Dublin riots.

A no-confidence motion was originally tabled by Sinn Féin. However, Government tabled a counter motion expressing confidence in the minister, and they won this by 83 votes to 63.


Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald had accused Ms McEntee of failing “abysmally” in her responsibilities as the Dáil debated the motion of confidence in her post following a stabbing attack and violent riot in Dublin city centre.

The Government compared Ms McDonald to former US president Donald Trump as Sinn Féin was accused of “exploiting” the violent events for originally tabling a motion of no confidence in Ms McEntee.

Ms McDonald told the Dáil on Tuesday: “It is the responsibility of the Minister for Justice to ensure that our streets are safe, to ensure that An Garda Síochána have the resources that they need. And she has failed in these responsibilities abysmally with very dire consequences.”

She added: “The minister’s position is untenable, and she must go.”


Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said the original Sinn Féin motion was a “political stunt” as he expressed full confidence in the minister.

He said: “Removing the Justice Minister and the Garda Commissioner, which is Sinn Féin policy, would be a victory for those who engaged in violence and incited violence on our streets.”

Mr Varadkar accused Ms McDonald of engaging in “absolutely disgraceful behaviour” after she said it took “nearly two weeks” for the Government to reach out to the school community affected by the stabbing, in a remark understood to be about ministers meeting parents at the affected school.

He said: “The leader of the opposition has quite disgracefully misled the Dáil. There was contact from the Government with the school within 24 hours of the events.

“Several ministers did so. She knows that, it’s deliberate misleading and it should be withdrawn. I call on her to be decent for once and withdraw it.”

Minister Josepha Madigan further described the Sinn Féin leader as “Mary Lou Trump” over the comments.

In her contribution, Ms McEntee accused Sinn Féin of “using an appalling situation to play politics” and seeking to “undermine An Garda Síochána” following a stabbing and riot in Dublin city centre.

Ms McEntee told the Dáil prior to the vote: “It is a great honour to be Minister for Justice, Ceann Comhairle. I see it as my duty to build stronger, safer communities.”

Ms McEntee said Sinn Féin wanted instability, adding: “Their mantra is to sack, sue and bully.”

“It may surprise (Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou) McDonald to know this is not an episode of The Apprentice, you can’t fire your way out of the situation.”

After two hours of debate on confidence in her position and the Government’s handling of policing, the minister concluded: “It has been a difficult few weeks, above all for the victims of the recent appalling attack, for their families and their community.

“They remain at the forefront of my mind. So too is the safety of the Irish people.

“All of my actions during my time in office have been taken to make people safer, and make them feel safer. It is for this reason I will continue working to build stronger, safer communities.

“And I will not be deterred by a Sinn Féin party which seeks to sow division and disunity for its own ends.” - Additional reporting from Press Association 

