
Shanahan criticises lack of communication with communities on migration policy

Shanahan criticises lack of communication with communities on migration policy

A Waterford TD has criticized a lack of communication from the government regarding Ireland's policy on migration.

Matt Shanahan spoke in the Dail on the issue of services for those seeking protection in Ireland.

Some communities nationwide have staged protests in response to amenities being used to house those seeking asylum.

Deputy Shanahan says the sentiments have been pounced upon by the far right but that doesn't mean issues shouldn't be addressed.


"Part of the recent national debate has focused on some of our more rural areas and the reactions there to inward migration and placement, whether it is Ukrainian refugees or temporary protection applicants. A large part of that reaction has been hijacked and positioned to appear as being far-right naked racism lurking there."

How many people have taken the time to understand the level of community resourcing available in such parts of the country before moving significant numbers of people into these areas was contemplated under Government relocation programmes?", queried the Waterford TD.

He says public concerns have been hijacked by those with a far-right agenda - but he says it is clear what the public really wants to see.

"My firm belief is that racism and the far-right agenda have been hijacked. However, it does not represent who the Irish people are. These things are certainly being used as a tool and are being deployed to provide for an ultra-right agenda. People want to see processes that are clearly understood, managed, communicated, and resourced. That is what people need to see being rolled out."


The Waterford TD has reiterated that it is the responsibility of the Government to fully communicate the overall migration policy. He says the general public has a right to be angered given the lack of communication.

"People in Irish communities are crying out for housing. They see a planning process that does not work for them and yet can be sidestepped when it comes to bringing people in for international placement. That is an inequity and is something the Government needs to look at. It is the responsibility of the Government to fully communicate the overall migration policy."

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