
MEP accuses Transport Minister of 'cop out' on Waterford Airport

MEP accuses Transport Minister of 'cop out' on Waterford Airport

An MEP for Ireland South has criticised the Transport Minister for what she claims is a "cop out" on Waterford Airport. 

Ireland South Fianna Fáil MEP, Cynthia Ní Mhurchú, has criticised Eamon Ryan for refusing to meet with her to discuss the future funding of the airport.

She has accused the Minister of "dragging his feet" on funding and called on him to release funding for the airport’s runway extension immediately.   

She claims that Minister Ryan refused to meet with her this week due to diary commitments. 


Ms Ní Mhurchú has described this as a "cop out" and called on the Minister to engage with elected representatives and expedite the process to release funding. 

“A runway extension will enable Waterford Airport to handle jets such as those that are used by Ryanair," she says.

"I recently spoke to Michael O’Leary who has told me that Ryanair are interested in providing flights to and from Waterford Airport. I hope to meet with Ryanair again when we resume our duties in Brussels at the end of August. We need to facilitate the return of commercial flights at Waterford Airport for the first time in seven years. The economy in the South East depends on it.” 

She added: “We need match funding from the Minister to drive the investment on. I am today calling on Minister Ryan to engage with stakeholders to get the airport up and running again. It is not acceptable that he should refuse to meet with elected representatives.” 


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