
Local Councillor says social housing lists should be backdated

Local Councillor says social housing lists should be backdated
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Those who had been on the social housing list and were removed should be allowed to jump the queue if they are now eligible.

That's according to local councillor, Eamon Quinlan.

He was speaking on the €5,000 increase in the social housing threshold at this month's Plenary Meeting, which will take effect from 01 January 2023.

Cllr Quinlan says the lists should be backdated, as there are a lot of people who had been on the list but then either got a promotion or started earning more and they were removed.


"I think it's only fair that if they have two, three, four years already accredited to them before they were removed on the lower limits, that they would receive back them years rather than having to make them start from scratch," he said.

Waterford Council say they will look at the possibility of allowing certain applicants to skip the social housing queue.

The Council's Director of Housing, Ivan Grimes, says it's something that can be considered.

"I can't give a commitment on that today because I don't really know the numbers that would be affected but it is something that we can look at," he said.


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