
Plans in place to bring Lismore Bank of Ireland site back into community use

Plans in place to bring Lismore Bank of Ireland site back into community use

Plans are afoot to bring Lismore's former Bank of Ireland building back into use.

The news was confirmed to councillors at this month's Dungarvan and Lismore District meeting of Waterford Council.

It was originally thought that the building would be used for emergency accommodation - but it is now intended for community use.

Head of Enterprise with Waterford Council, Richie Walsh, outlined the current situation.


"I've been asked to meet with the community group there", explained Mr. Walsh. "That's to discuss possible options - they would like to be our community partner. They would like to develop it for commercial and community purposes, and that it is exactly what the building acquisition measure is for."

"We'll be talking to them and taking a look at what their ideas are - but they must develop a quality business plan above all else to be honest with you - before we seek any funding. That said, there is progress on that front."
