
Gardaí to use audio monitoring in Kilgobnet investigations

Gardaí to use audio monitoring in Kilgobnet investigations

Gardaí in West Waterford will use covert audio monitoring to determine the source of distressing noises in the village of Kilgobnet.

Investigations are continuing after reports of unexplained inappropriate noises, including those of a sexual nature, playing near funerals.

Locals say it seems as though it's coming from some kind of speaker system, and it has upset multiple parishioners.

It is understood that door-to-door inquiries will be conducted in Kilgobnet, along with covert audio monitoring, according to Southern Correspondent with the Irish Independent, Ralph Riegel.


"It is unclear whether the noise is part of a prank in bad taste or a deliberate attempt to upset local religious ceremonies. Villagers have reacted with fury to the incident triggering a spate of jokes on social media. Residents are also livid that their proud village has made national headlines for all the wrong reasons."

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