
HSE looking to extend University Hospital Waterford

HSE looking to extend University Hospital Waterford
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The Health Service Executive is applying for planning permission for a large extension to University Hospital Waterford.

Two separate applications were submitted in the last week.

The HSE is looking to build a two-storey extension to the lab department of UHW.

It would include an office, analytical workstations, and staff facilities.


In a separate application, the go-ahead is being sought to extend the Outpatient Department.

This would be another two-storey development over the existing department and there would be a new circulation core to serve all levels of the building.

Included in this extension would be consultation rooms and support rooms.

As part of the project, there would also be a new set-down arrangement and links to the existing hospital and rooftop plant areas.


A decision is due to be made by Waterford County Council on both applications by the 5th of June this year.

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