
HSE encourages people to apply for the GP visit card online

HSE encourages people to apply for the GP visit card online

James Cox

The HSE is encouraging all those who may be eligible for a GP visit card to apply online.

Shaun Flanagan, from the HSE's primary care reimbursement service, said you could qualify even if the amount of money you earn is high and if your expenses are also high.

“Your application will be means tested and you will be asked to self-declare your income and allowable outgoings,” Mr Flanagan said.


“When you apply, you should have you PPSN number, income and expense details, marital status, DOB (date of birth) and details on any children dependent on you to make it easier for you. Remember the quickest and easiest way to apply for a GP visit card is online.

“GP visit cards allow the holders to access GP care without charges. If you have a GP visit card, you don't have to pay to see your doctor, but you will have to pay for medicines and other services.”

People can apply for a GP visit card if they are age 8 to 69, live in the Republic or plan to live here for at least a year, and will be income tested.

The HSE said the income test includes looking at a person’s income, personal circumstances and expenses to see if they qualify.


The health service operates random and targeted control processes to ensure that only those who qualify receive means tested GP visit cards. It said applicants may be asked to produce supporting documentation to process their application.

Applications can be made online at hse.ie/gpvisitcards.
