
Planning refused for 96 homes in Gracedieu

Planning refused for 96 homes in Gracedieu
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A proposal to construct 96 homes in Gracedieu has been rejected.

The proposal for 96 homes failed to deliver "a distinct sense of place and character," according to Waterford Council.

The local authority has refused permission to Kingscroft Development Limited to build in the townlands of Bawndaw and Ballynamona, on the Carrickpherish Road.

Locals put in 12 submissions against the proposal, which included plans for a childcare facility.


They would have been a mix of one, two, and three-storey homes.

Among those to submit a proposal against the development was Cllr. Joe Kelly - he told WLR that he did so in his role as the Chairman of the Hillview Estate Residents Association.

"The security of the estate from the activities that go on along the Carrickpheirish Road - the anti social behaviour, we have to protect the long-established and indeed new residents from that kind of activity spilling into our area. Without the boundary wall that we requested - there would be a huge threat to the estate and the welfare of the people. We're really really happy that the Council saw fit to reject this planning application."

"The development would risk displacement of water and could cause flooding, which had occurred maybe ten or twelve years ago and that was fairly significant. We didn't want a repeat of that. The second issue was that absence of the boundary wall in the planning. We wanted a two and a half metre boundary wall around Hillview separating Hillview from the proposed site, so that would protect people from coming into the back gardens of the houses that would be joining the site."


In its findings, Waterford Council also noted that with 'minimal contribution' to the development of a new urban public realm - 'the proposal would represent a substandard form of development creating a poor urban edge and streetscape to the Carrickpheirish neighbourhood'.

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