
Gardaí seize €1.3m worth of drugs in Dublin

Gardaí seize €1.3m worth of drugs in Dublin
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Muireann Duffy

Gardaí in Dublin have seized approximately €1.3 million worth of drugs and €6,000 in cash following a search operation on Sunday.

As part of Operation Tara, officers attached to Bridewell Garda station searched an apartment on Ann Street North, Dublin 7.

During the search, €280,000 worth of cocaine, €168,000 worth of diamorphine and €120,000 worth of amphetamine were discovered.


A vehicle was also searched at the location, in which an additional €315,000 worth of cocaine, €70,000 of diamorphine and €420,000 of amphetamine were found.

Photo: Garda Press Office

Gardaí also seized the sum of cash, a hydraulic press, weighing scales and other drug paraphernalia, as well as a small quantity of ammo.

Two men, aged in their 30s and 50s, were arrested at the scene and were taken to Bridewell Garda station where they are currently being held under section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 1996.

Gardaí said investigations into the matter are ongoing.

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