
Gardaí running extra speed checks for 'National Slow Down Day'

Gardaí running extra speed checks for 'National Slow Down Day'

Gardai will be cracking down on speeding today by asking motorists to 'slow down'.

Operation 'National Slow Down Day' began at 7am on Friday morning and will run until 7am on Saturday.

Within the first two hours, a motorist was caught doing 97km/h in a 50km/h Zone on the R680 Cork Road Waterford.

Gardai will be out in force to remind drivers of the dangers of speeding, as part of the force's Christmas Campaign to improve road safety.


10 more people have been killed on the roads this year compared to 2019. Last year there were 140 road deaths.

Inspector Niall Daly is the Roads policing inspector with the Waterford division. He says the higher the speed, the greater the likelihood is of a crash happening:

"The 'slow down' is targetting people who drive at excess speed...driving too fast we always find is a major contributor to fatal road traffic accidents and serious injury accidents we're out there on the 11th and 12th doing our best to get people to slow down and have the appropriate speed for the road."

