
Gardaí issue warning following spate of car thefts in Waterford

Gardaí issue warning following spate of car thefts in Waterford

Gardaí in Waterford and Dungarvan are investigating reports of 3 thefts of vehicles that occurred over 3 days. All 3 vehicles have been recovered and returned to the owners.

The incidents happened from January 31st to February 2nd.

Investigations are ongoing and criminal proceedings are expected.

Gardaí are urging the public to secure their vehicles and take necessary steps to safeguard their vehicles, as Sergeant Deirdre O'Neill from Waterford Garda Station explained on this week's Waterford Garda Watch.


"If they see something regardless if they can assess the value of it, they could quite easily break the window. We do have people who could do that quite easily, and very often we ask people to double-check the security of their vehicles and to make sure all their doors are locked and not to leave valuables on display.

"If you do have to leave them in your car for work or whatever reason, then enhance the locks around it. Consider an immobilizer or enhancing the alarm. Also if you park it at home, you can have an alarm for the house or a sensor put on to your vehicle which is very effective.

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