
Gardaí investigating attack on homeless asylum seekers at Grand Canal

Gardaí investigating attack on homeless asylum seekers at Grand Canal

James Cox

Gardaí have said they are aware of an incident in which asylum seekers' tents were attacked in Dublin.

It happened along the Grand Canal on Saturday night.

Gardaí said they remain in contact with the International Protection Office (IPO), and direct anyone sleeping rough to available homelessness services.


It comes as a memo is prepared for Cabinet this week, with a view to updating welfare entitlements for those seeking refuge here.

On Friday, an additional 30 tents were pitched along the Grand Canal, just a day after a Government operation that removed another encampment.

Many of these asylum seekers had moved to the Grand Canal after a 'tent city' outside the IPO on Mount Street was cleared.

In an article in the Sunday Independent, Taoiseach Simon Harris said Ireland needs to adopt a firmer system on migration.


He said his coalition Government is “working together to pill levers in a number of Government departments to ensure Ireland adopts a firmer system and ensures we are not out of kilter with other EU countries”.

He wrote: “This will not be a long drawn-out process.

“The Government will take decisions on this soon.”

He said Ireland “will maintain a migration system that is fair, firm and enforced, but we will not be found wanting on our international obligations”.

The Taoiseach said the Government is working to bring in more facilities quickly on state land.
