
Gardaí investigating alleged arson attack on Wexford secondary school

Gardaí investigating alleged arson attack on Wexford secondary school

Sarah Slater

Gardai are investigating an alleged arson attack at a secondary school in Co Wexford.

The fire broke out shortly before 3.30pm at Enniscorthy Vocational School and is understood to have broken out in the bathroom area of the premises.

Several units of Enniscorthy fire services along with gardai attended the scene and all staff and students were safely evacuated.


Wexford assistant chief fire officer Ray Murphy speaking on South East Radio explained: “The fire was in the bathroom area. We sent in two firefighters with breaking apparatus. It looks like a piece of equipment went on fire and we think that it possibly gave off some kind of gas that caused a small explosion.

“There is some damage to the building including a wall and a wall into an office. The building does have some smoke damage and fire services were last night (Monday) making sure the building was properly ventilated.”

A garda spokesperson said: “Gardaí are investigating an apparent incident of criminal damage by fire that occurred at an educational premises in Enniscorthy, Co Wexford.

“Gardaí and emergency services attended the scene of the fire which occurred at approximately 3:30pm. The fire was extinguished by fire services a short time later.


No injuries were reported, and garda enquiries are ongoing.

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