
Fota Wildlife Park welcome three critically endangered lemur babies

Fota Wildlife Park welcome three critically endangered lemur babies
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Fota Wildlife Park in Co Cork welcomed three new arrivals earlier this summer and the public's help is now being sought to name the trio.

The black and white ruffed lemur babies were born on June 3rd, however, their genders are still unknown.

The species is considered critically endangered, but the newborns will be in good company in Fota, sharing their habitat with their four older siblings, Nimbus and Cumulus, who were born in 2019, and Banie and Dubh, born in June 2020, in addition to their mother and father, Cloud and Paraic.

Fota Wildlife Park welcomed the three lemur babies in early June. Photo: Darragh Kane


Commenting on the new arrivals, lead ranger, Teresa Power said: “We are delighted with the birth of three new black and white ruffed lemur babies, both the babies and their mother Cloud are doing well.

"Births in the park are always exciting, but with 31 per cent of all lemur species in Madagascar now critically endangered and 98 per cent of lemurs threatened, to have such continued success with these critically endangered lemurs is tremendous and it’s a great indication of how happy and healthy these primates are here at the Park."

The park is now calling on the public to help pick names for the babies, with the three winners getting a conservation annual pass.

Entries can be made on the Fota Wildlife website.

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