
Waterford disability centre found to be non-compliant on fire precautions

Waterford disability centre found to be non-compliant on fire precautions

An announced HIQA inspection at a Waterford disability centre found that there were three areas of non-compliance including fire precautions.

Cairdeas Services Woodstown is operated by The Brothers of Charity, and currently caters for three full-time female residents aged between 23 and 40.

It was found to be non-compliant with regulations on the notification of incidents, risk management procedures, and fire precautions.

Any restrictive practices in use in a centre must be notified to the Chief Inspector on a quarterly basis.


A notification did not include one particular restrictive practice that had been used.

This restrictive practice had been discontinued in June 2023 after a review by a multidisciplinary team.

The centre had risk registers in place for the centre overall and individual residents.

However, it was seen that these needed updating in some areas.


Taking into account the needs of the three residents living in the centre at the time of inspection, the night-time staffing arrangements, and the night-time fire drill records provided, the Inspector was not assured that all three residents could be safely evacuated from the centre in a timely manner based on current fire precautions taken.

Once a fourth resident moves in, a review of night-time evacuation plans based on a full risk assessment will be carried out.

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