
€850,000 for New Waterford-Developed Contact Tracing App

€850,000 for New Waterford-Developed Contact Tracing App

The new Covid 19 contact tracing App, which has been developed by Waterford company Nearform, has cost €850,000 so far to develop.

The long waited HSE app is set to be launched this week if it's approved by Cabinet. Nearform, who developed the app, build software that integrates digital technology into all areas of business. They are based in Tramore, and in 2016 were the overall winners of the WLR sponsored Waterford Business Awards.

The new App will work via Bluetooth and let people know if someone close to them had Covid 19.

There have been privacy concerns surrounding the app, but the HSE says data will be stored on people's phones and it won't be shared with a government server.


Tech expert Jess Kelly outlines how it will work, "If your phone is in close proximity to my phone for a prolonged period of time, which we understand to be around 15 minutes or more, and then you are subsequently confirmed as having Covid-19, a notification will appear on my phone and then the contact tracing team will contact me saying you have been in close contact with somebody who is now a confirmed case, you should self isolate."
