
Dungarvan at risk of "being left behind"

Dungarvan at risk of "being left behind"

"Dungarvan is at risk of being left behind."

That's the call from local councillors who believe that the town has not been receiving a fair share of recent funding announcements.

The issue was raised at this month's Dungarvan Lismore District meeting of Waterford City and County Council by Councillor Thomas Phelan.

He says there are plenty of reasons for concern.


“I’d like to know when Dungarvan last attracted significant national funding? I’m worried that Dungarvan is being leapfrogged when it comes to getting funding. I’m very happy for the likes of Ardmore, Cappoquin, Portlaw or indeed Waterford City itself, and any other places in the county that have gotten funding but I would like to see Dungarvan get our fair share too.”

Cllr. Phelan outlined that he ‘cannot remember’ when Urban Regeneration and Development Fund balances were allocated to the town, and also noted there were further funding avenues missed out on that ultimately yielded a further €7m for Waterford City.

“Things seem to be at a standstill”, he conceded. “I’m very confident though that our new District Manager, Ivan Grimes, will be instrumental in turning things around. I think at the moment Dungarvan is possibly being overtaken in the funding stakes by other places and I wouldn’t like to see us falling behind.”

Sinn Fein Councillor Conor McGuinness says many projects have seen little to no movement.


“I support Councillor Phelan in what he has said - Dungarvan is at risk of being left behind in terms of inward investment and in terms of development”, said Cllr. McGuinness.

“There are a number of things both big and small that we as councillors have asked for in Dungarvan - ranging from a swimming pool, to a public toilet; family resource centres, a community centre - none of these have progressed and it’s a bone of serious frustration for me.”

“We as a Council need to acknowledge that Dungarvan is at risk of being left behind here”, he concluded.

Newly appointed Dungarvan District Manager Ivan Grimes assured representatives that that won't be allowed to happen.

“We are looking at projects that could be invested in. The perception of a lack of funding for Dungarvan, I’m not sure I entirely agree - but I do accept that in terms of funding announcements for other areas, it would appear that way. I have a completely open mind as to how we proceed with the Town Centre Management Group. We will bring important much needed office and other type accommodation back into Dungarvan’s town centre.”

He added that Dungarvan will be prioritised in applications for the next round of URDF funding.

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