
Condition of Dungarvan apartment block branded "an absolute disgrace"

Condition of Dungarvan apartment block branded "an absolute disgrace"

The condition of an apartment block in Dungarvan has been described as "an absolute disgrace."

The owners of the Dun Aoibhinn apartments near Dungarvan Shopping Centre have been pursued under the Derelict Sites Act.

Cllr. Damien Geoghegan has consistently raised the issue to Waterford City and County Council.

He was critical of the owners of the block at this month's meeting of the Dungarvan and Lismore District.


"I want to bring up the old chestnut again of the Dun Aoibhinn apartments across the street from us here in the Civic Offices. They continue to fall into even further decay, serious dilapidation there. The council have put a derelict site notice on it. It's absolutely shocking for what is a relatively modern building in the centre of the town to be in such a state. The overall owners of the building who also own the Dungarvan Shopping Centre should be literally ashamed of themselves at this stage."

"They thumb their nose and have given us two fingers and actually, I really feel sorry for the owners of the apartments in there because they've done everything in their power to resolve the situation and they can't. I did welcome the fact that we put a derelict site notice on it but what's the next stage for us as a Council to bring it to a head and get it sorted once and for all?", queried Cllr. Geoghegan.

He has called on Waterford City and County Council to do all they can to rectify the situation.

"The owners of the apartments there have put numerous solutions forward and they've been rejected time and again. It's nothing short of a disgrace. There's no other word I can think of. It's an absolute disgrace."


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