
'Disgusting' - concerns on toilet maintenance at Clonea Strand

'Disgusting' - concerns on toilet maintenance at Clonea Strand
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There are calls for the tank of the public toilets at Clonea Strand to be emptied with more regularity, after reports that toilets were overflowing at the weekend. 

With temperatures in the region of 30 degrees, locals have claimed that the facilities on the Castle side of the strand were simply not fit for purpose. 

Michael Cass says the onus is upon Waterford Council to ensure that the toilets on that side of the beach are looked after as well as the ones on the opposite side of the beach, toward the hotel side. 

Speaking to WLR, he says it was a disgusting sight for anyone visiting that side of the beach. 


“There was human excrement flowing out on Saturday evening. It was happening earlier this week as well. Both ladies toilets were blocked on Thursday also. Obviously, it’s becoming a major issue that these are not being maintained and are not fit for purpose. If they’re not, they should be at least emptied out everyday. There’s a tank there, and I understand that that tank was put in maybe 40 or 50 years ago. With the crowds that were there at the weekend, it was definitely not fit for purpose.”

Michael says that substandard facilities are not fair on locals and called for more regular maintenance of the facilities. 

“What I’m particularly worried about is that traditionally - the local people have always gone to the castle side. I think it’s unfair that we have to put up with these kind of facilities. We talk about tourism and the Greenway - but we must upgrade and do something about the old toilet. In the meantime, it must be maintained. It is literally about keeping the tank empty.”

Waterford Council said the weekend was a particularly busy one, but that they already do tend to those facilities with regularity. 

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