
Future of Waterford airport still uncertain

Future of Waterford airport still uncertain

Waterford Airport is in a "delicate" position according to one of its board members.

An oral hearing into the council's compulsory purchase of land near the airport took place last Tuesday at which there was a presentation by Waterford County Council's Planning Department. There was also the opportunity for objectors to the CPO to state their case.

It is not known when An Bord Pleanala will make a ruling on the case.

If successful, it will allow the extension and widening of the runway and make it viable for commercial flights.


Councillor Jim Griffin sits on the board, he told the metropolitan meeting of councillors that the situation was precarious:

"It's delicate to say the least, it's something we need for the future of Waterford and I would say we need to put more resources into making sure it happens. If the North Quays happen it's a key bit of infrastructure, we need it for the South East but we definitely need it for Waterford."

Responding to questions from Cllr Adam Wyse, board member councillor Jim Griffin stressed that directors have been meeting regularly, most recently in the past 3-4 weeks:

"Since I came on the board I was very alarmed the delicate state the airport was in...and I would say every councillor should stay on top of it."


by Eoghan Dalton
