
Concern grows over future of Waterford search and rescue base

Concern grows over future of Waterford search and rescue base

Deputies from the ‘Regional Group’ have expressed significant concerns at reports that the Waterford Rescue 117, or another Search and Rescue helicopter base, might have to be stood down for a period of six months or longer to facilitate new training regimes.

The retraining is required as part of the changeover of the national search and rescue contract awarded to Bristow International Group.

The Regional group deputies, including Waterford TD Matt Shanahan, have expressed concerns that issues such as new training requirements, because of an alternative helicopter platform being chosen as part of the new tender award, should have been planned for and reviewed as part of the award process that has taken over two years to complete.

As part of that procurement process, a transition plan was provided by Bristow International to the Department of Transport.


Regional group deputies are now seeking sight of that transition programme plan which they say has not been made public and has not been provided to existing operator CHC Ireland, despite many repeated requests.

Pictured on a previous visit to Waterford Airport were Padraig O’ Ceidigh (Ex Aer Aran CEO), Deputies Cathal Berry, Matt Shanahan, Michael Lowry, Verona Murphy, and Aidan Power (Waterford Airport General Manager),

Regional Group deputies have written to Minister Eamon Ryan seeking a meeting with him and his officials at the earliest opportunity to understand how the concerns that have been raised are to be fully addressed.


Deputy Matt Shanahan pointed out the heavy lift helicopter based at Waterford Regional Airport has been involved in significant life-saving maritime rescues in the past two years, and is a vital rescue service for South East leisure as well as Rosslare harbour maritime activities.

"Any shortcomings in transitioning arrangements here are the responsibility of the Department of Transport, Minister Ryan and Bristow to sort out," he says.

"The Department of Transport and Bristow agreed a new contract - it is their responsibility to fully ensure it beds in seamlessly and without interruption to the existing service provided. It should also include all aspects of TUPE employment rights to allow existing staff and terms of service be provided by the new operator."

Regional Group deputies say they expect the Minister to provide a meeting date in early January.

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