
Waterford IFA Chairman finds Climate Change Report 'frightening'

Waterford IFA Chairman finds Climate Change Report 'frightening'
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The recent UN report on climate change has been described as 'frightening' by Chairman of the Waterford branch of the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) - Kevin Kiersey.

Speaking on Deise Today with Maria McCann, Mr. Kiersey said that the report was alarming and that it is incumbent on all people, farmers and consumers alike, to make attempts to rectify the wrongdoings of the past.

With reports that temperatures are on the rise, extreme weather events will become more frequent and sea levels are on the rise - Kiersey says it's frightening to think what the next generation will have to face.

"I have to say from the outset that the report was absolutely frightening. It's frightening to think what the next generation will have to face, because of the actions of our generation. It is incumbent upon our generation to do something about it - to reverse the processes that have already taken place in climate change."


While climate change took time to occur, it will take a long time to rectify - and there is an onus on both farmers and consumers alike to make a difference.

"While it took time to reach this stage - it's also going to take time to rectify it. We have to start work right away to try and rectify it. I accept that. It is incumbent upon all of us - we as farmers, but also consumers right around the world."

Kiersey says that Ireland's contribution to the change is minimal, citing figures from a 2018 report.

"The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Report in 2018, said that Ireland's contribution to world climate change was a mere .128 of 1%. That's Ireland's contribution. We talk about agriculture - being an agricultural country, hearing about methane levels and all the rest of it. Agriculture accounts for 25% of Ireland's contribution. So that's 0.042%. That's what Irish agriculture contributes to world climate change."

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