
Cath lab arrival date set for UHW

Cath lab arrival date set for UHW
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The mobile cath lab is scheduled to arrive at University Hospital Waterford on Sunday, the 24th of September.

The staffed unit will cater for approximately 30 to 45 patients from the current outpatient list and is expected to completely clear the waiting lists during its five months on site.

Waterford junior Minister John Halligan said the thirty percent of people who refused an appointment offered in Cork should be able to avail of this service.

He said the mobile lab was first proposed to him by cardiac consultants in the region as an alternative to outsourcing UHW patients to Cork for their cardiology diagnostics.


The temporary service will be provided on a 3 day per week basis with the aim of clearing the current waiting list in 20 weeks at a cost of 800 thousand euro.

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