
Cappoquin library due to re-open in 2024

Cappoquin library due to re-open in 2024

Cappoquin library is set to re-open in 2024 after a long closure for renovation upgrades. The amenity has been closed since early 2023 for essential repairs.

Early October has been labelled as the expected re-opening date.

After numerous calls for updates on the project, an announcement was forthcoming at the most recent Dungarvan / Lismore district meeting for Waterford City and County Council in Dungarvan on Monday, September 9th, 2024.

Those who had been accessing the service were left with the Lismore and Dungarvan libraries for the past year and a half. Lismore being the closer of the two, more than 7kms away.


Speaking to WLR News, Labour Councillor John Pratt said the news was welcomed but that the project has taken too long.

"I really hope that is the case because this has been going on for far too long. The good news is that when it does re-open it will be at a much higher level."

"It's important now that this reopens, the users of the library have been extremely disappointed at how long this has taken."

Asked what works had been done, Cllr Pratt responded:


"I know that there were some leaks which were causing major issues. I think there has been some upgrades possibly now to the heating system."

"Hopefully long term it might actually keep it open for the foreseeable future which is the main thing."

Asked whether there was any worry that the library might never open its doors again, the Tallow Councillor responded:

"There was definitely a fear on that. That was part of the fear factor to be honest. 'Will it ever re-open?'"

"Until I see the doors open, I'm being a little bit suspicious. I just want to see the doors opened in early October and not dragging to the New Year."

He said that the library service provides an important space during the coldest period of the year.

"Especially during the winter months it can be a great place for people to go as well. It's a meeting point. It's an important social outlet for a lot of people."

Cllr Pratt says that people who live in rural areas are now more worried about losing services.

"At the end of the day, people want to retain services within their own communities and I suppose that's why the fear is always there. In the past, rural areas have lost a lot whether it was banks, post offices and retaining any facility that you have is so important to a rural town or village."

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