A Waterford woman fleeing her violent partner had to sleep in her car for the weekend until she could get help from services.
The woman's ordeal was recounted at the council's monthly plenary meeting.
Waterford Council provides a number of shelters for families escaping violence, but councillor Eamon Quinlan says the location of some have become known locally.
"I had a mother with several children that fled a violent abuser that had to sleep with their car for the weekend before they could access supports.
"They were concerned that if they went into a well-known institution or facility that the abuser could follow them or keep an eye on the place,
"I'm wondering if Waterford City and County Council could put a small number of stock away for such emergencies?" Cllr Quinlan said.
In response, the council's housing chief is Ivan Grimes said: "I can assure you that the likes of Oasis House and other service providers are secure and well serviced by the Gardaí,
"I'm more concerned with your suggestion that somebody had to wait over a weekend to access emergency accommodation.
"Our out of office service providers are available 24-7 by phone and they provide detailed guidance for victims of domestic violence, Grimes said.
Waterford Council will continue to actively review the system in place and the needs of those presenting due to domestic violence on a case by case basis.
Those seeking anonymity from dangerous or intimidating partners will be catered to, to the best of the Council’s ability along with shelters provided by other providers in this area. All such people, both men and women are encouraged to seek help at any time in the week from Waterford Council's emergency number on 0761 10 20 20. You can also contact Oasis House Waterford here: Tel: 051 370367
Helpline: 1800 264 364
Fax: 051 351836
Email:[email protected]
Access Hours: 24-hour service, open 365 days