
Bus services in Waterford could see expansion

Bus services in Waterford could see expansion

A motion has been passed to expand bus services in the city.

Put forward in February's Metropolitan district council meeting, councilor Seamus Ryan put the motion forward.

The proposal would include a request for the National Transport Authority and or Transport for Ireland (TFI) to expand their services to suburban areas not served in the city.

Carriganard, Kilbarry & Foxwood were included in the motion as well as a request to run a bus from Paddy Brown's Road to UHW.


Councillor John Hearne compared Holland in the 80s and how they planned before commencing construction.

He added: " I think it is a timely motion. Thirty years ago when I was living in Holland when they were building cities they used to put the schools and infrastructure in and then the people.

"It's a no-brainer that we are looking to expand busses to these areas of the city and the board of transport needs to understand that when we build houses in suburban areas, we do not move them out automatically."

It comes as residents of these areas have made calls to local councillors to express their concerns. The city is currently served by five routes and service to Tramore.


Waterford City Bus Service

Councillor Hearne also raised concerns in relation to residents living with disabilities in areas of the city that have no access to public transport.

He continued to say:" One of the reasons I support this motion and I commend councillor Ryan for putting this motion forward, is that the Waterford Disability network spends alot of time placing people in jobs. A lot of people with disabilities have been given jobs in the Foxwood area in the industrial estate and retail park and they have to walk from town in the rain. It is clear that we need bus stops out there. We know these people and they have been in touch to express their concerns."

One of the fastest-growing areas of the city, the Foxwood area has seen multiple developments in recent years including the opening of the Six Cross Roads retail park and the development of a large social housing development as well as multiple private developments.

Councillor Jim Griffin also noted that people are having to consider their options when taking up an offer on the councils choice based letting scheme due to public transport access.

He added: "We could go further on this one. It is our responsibility to speak with developers. We are constantly looking for housing developments to be completed but we have to have the connectivity before we place people in these areas. It has gotten to the stage where we have people reluctant to accept an offer through the council's choice-based letting scheme in areas that are not served by public transport as a lot of people availing of the scheme do not drive. They are concerned that they will be isolated and the difficulties they would experience getting their children to school for example."

The motion will now be put forward to the relevant authorities.

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