
'Back to basics' for proposed Waterford Greenway extension route

'Back to basics' for proposed Waterford Greenway extension route

It's a case of 'back to basics' for the proposed Waterford Greenway extension.

That's according to a Council official who gave an update at this week's Dungarvan/Lismore District meeting.

Head of Enterprise Richie Walsh was responding to concerns in relation to plans to extend the Greenway from Dungarvan to Mallow.

"Basically it's back to the drawing board to a large extent as there's a new feasibility study being done," he explained.


"The whole thing is being reviewed, including the proposed corridor, resources required and a review of national policy. Certainly the level of negative submissions has made them think again."

Kilcummer Viaduct, Castletownroche.

Labour Councillor John Pratt had sought an update on the issue at the meeting, as did Sinn Fein Councillor Donnchadh Mulcahy.


"On my campaign trail, many people were very concerned about what's going ahead," said Cllr Mulcahy. "It can be positive for the area but it has to suit everyone."

Last month, it was announced by Cork County Council and Waterford City and County Council in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland, that an additional feasibility study will be undertaken on the Dungarvan to Mallow Greenway.

In a statement, it was announced that "the project team will use the summer months to take stock of the strategic plan for the project to ensure that it is in the best possible position to progress successfully through the future planning process and onwards to delivery."

Upon completion of the feasibility study, and subject to continued funding availability, it is anticipated that the scheme will progress to design and environmental evaluation, prior to seeking planning consent.

The statement added that "this approach is consistent with new Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) guidelines and with their support, Cork County Council and Waterford City & County Council are committed to developing this critical green infrastructure."

As the project develops, project updates will be available on www.corkrdo.ie/mallow-to-dungarvan-greenway/ and any future public consultations on the study area will be advertised.

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