
Avu Idris laid to rest this afternoon

Avu Idris laid to rest this afternoon

The heart-wrenching funeral of 17-year-old Avu Idris has taken place in Waterford today. Avu tragically died when the e-scooter he was travelling on collided with a bus.

15 year old Gilbert Collins, who was accompanying him also died and was laid to rest earlier this week. Hundreds of mourners gathered at the church this morning, to say their final goodbyes.

The Maranatha Church choir echoed the church throughout the service, singing hymns dedicated to Avu's life.

The services was attended by his heartbroken family; father Fatah, mother Priscilla, brothers Mury, Nur and Adam, sisters Noora and Aminah, uncles Kasim and Yusuf, extended family, relatives, neighbours and friends.


Students from Avu's class were present, as well as members of his soccer team, Villa FC.

Avu's Teammates attending the burial at Kilbarry Cemetry

Avu's Villa FC Teammates attending the burial at Kilbarry Cemetry.

Love for soccer

Avu was an avid lover of soccer, as was mentioned throughout the ceremony. His coach Johnny McEvoy of Villa gave an emotional speech in memory of Avu.


"Every once in a while, you get some lads who really shine, and within that consolation, you get someone who shines so bright. It's just a total pleasure to have been blessed to have got to know him. In all those years I have been coaching, and the hundreds of players I have met, Avu was the brightest of blessings, and I can hand on my heart say that any coach at any time would completely agree.

"To say he made our job easy is an understatement. He was a strong leader amongst all the lads, which is a testament to his abilities with people.

"He knew when to play his position, to help the team leader in attacking plays or defensive ones, which was a testament to his (understanding of teamwork. He also knew when to bring some of that Avu brilliance to beat a man or four sporting names in the world, and it was those flashes of true class that I loved most. I don't want to believe that I'm never going to hear again, hey Johnny what a game that was the other day. I don't want to believe that I won't see him on that pitch ever again".

"Keep walking steadily"

At the funeral service in Maranatha Church, Avu's sister Noora gave a touching speech about days spent with her brother, and the lighthearted fun they shared between them.

"A lesson to be heard today. Keep walking steady. Walking down this path without you won't be easy, but the memories that I have with you will keep you company. The memories in the kitchen, when I cook, and you come by and say, no matter what you're cooking today, you know, you can cook your own food, but you steal my own food anyways.

"It may be time to say goodbye, but your memories will forever fit like a keyhole in a lock. Your words will encourage me, and lift me up in life, and it's finally time to say your farewell. Even as we say goodbye, we lift up your life in inspiration love, and grace.

You'll forever be missed by everybody,  I would love you as your sister, and I'll forever love you, although I didn't get the chance to say goodbye. Just know that you will rest in peace in a nice warm grave."

Funeral Procession, Kilbarry Waterford

Avu's Funeral Procession, Kilbarry Waterford

Final goodbye

Following the service at the Maranatha Church, hundreds lined the streets of Ballybeg where Avu was laid to rest in the Kilbarry Cemetry.
Avu's Villa FC teammates followed the cortege, alongside his family and friends.
On Tuesday, Gilbert Collins was laid to rest not far from Avu's resting place.
Ar Dheis Dé go raibh Siad
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