
Application refused for five-storey student accommodation complex in Waterford

Application refused for five-storey student accommodation complex in Waterford
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An application to build a five-storey student accommodation complex in Waterford has been refused.

The plans for a 94-bed block near Templars Hall, on the Lacken Road in Kilbarry had been submitted in June.

Concerns had been raised by local residents that the scale of the development, proposed by a Mr Tony Robinson, would be too big.

And it seems the council's planning inspectors agreed.


They outlined a total of four reasons for refusal.

The first being that they felt the development would be out of scale with the surroundings and wouldn't have a positive impact on the neighbourhood and streetscape.

The second reason is that the northwestern section of the site is a designated 'open space' in the County Development Plan, and they want to preserve it for 'recreational amenities'.

The third is that the building would have an 'over-dominating presence' on the adjoining residential property and could result in a loss of privacy - particularly because of where the first floor windows would have been situated.


Finally, the fourth reason outlined said that sight-lines were not indicated at the junction of the site entrance and the Lacken Road, so the authority wasn't satisfied that "the proposed development would not endanger public safety by reason of a traffic hazard."

Another concern that residents had raised was that their good work in terms of addressing some anti-social behaviour problems at Templars Hall might be undone.

64 submissions were made to the council about this planning application before the deadline at the end of July.

A letter notifying Mr Robinson of the decision to refuse the application was issued on Thursday last (August 18th).

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