Una Dunphy who is standing for People Before Profit in Tramore Waterford City West says letters and a leaflet about her were circulated to other candidates.
She says two people who received the letters alerted her.
She said "It's not that I'm some shrinking violet and cannot take anybody saying something negative about me. I am well able for that. This is pretty organized. It was a leaflet that was produced with four pages and my logo, my picture, the PBP logo, and it had details on it that were certainly attacking me as person rather than politics. And there were political avenues on it as well, but it was put in a very . skewed way and of course, it was anonymous.
Una Dunphy said there was an eerie level of detail in the leaflet which had aspects of trade union activity, employment details and also details about the council. She said a lot of this would
not be public knowledge