
HSE to run mental health information meetings in Waterford

HSE to run mental health information meetings in Waterford

The HSE is to run a series of local forums in Waterford for people who use mental health services, as well as their families, carers and supporters.

The forums will allow those who are effected to voice their experiences, raise issues and be consulted and involved in mental health services developments in the area.

The establishment of the forums follow on from recommendations in the national mental health strategy “A Vision for Change” and the HSE’s own national strategy for service user involvement. The HSE’s 2015 mental health division operational plan included the strategic priority “that Service users, families and carers are central to the design, planning, delivery and evaluation of services."


With an increased public focus on mental health in mind and an emphasis on the HSE’s South East Community Healthcare services working collaboratively with service users, family members and carers, information meetings on the subject – open to all interested parties – are being held as follows:




·         Wednesday 21st August at 6pm at the Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford.

·         Wednesday 18th September at 6pm at the Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford.

·         Wednesday 16th October at 6pm at the Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford.

·         Wednesday 20th November at 6pm at the Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford.

·         Wednesday 18th December at 6pm at the Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford
