
48,000 on UHW waiting list - Ireland South MEP calls for action

48,000 on UHW waiting list - Ireland South MEP calls for action

Over 48,000 patients are on waiting lists at University Hospital Waterford.

Figures released to Ireland South MEP Cynthia Ní Mhurchú by the HSE show a dramatic decrease (80%) in the number of Irish patients who may be on hospital waiting lists opting to avail of the Cross Border Health Care Directive and seek the treatment they need in another EU country.

The same figures show a 55% decrease in the number of Irish patients getting reimbursements for medical procedures abroad under the Cross Border Health Care directive between 2018 and 2023.

Speaking to WLR News, the Fianna Fáil MEP says more awareness is needed when it comes to medical treatment abroad.


"Less people are inquiring about it and indeed fewer people are being reimbursed their fees once they have paid for the treatment abroad.

"My team and I conducted research into this area, and the figures released to me showed an 80% drop in the number of patients on hospital waiting lists inquiring about availing of treatment abroad.

"That decrease of 55% over five years is substantial. I appreciate that COVID-19 happened and people were reluctant and couldn't travel indeed, but I mean people are traveling now in their droves.

"I'm extremely concerned that people don't know enough about this EU healthcare directive."


Under the EU directive, the HSE will reimburse patients who travel to another EU country for the medical procedure they are waiting for but will not cover travel and accommodation costs.

The HSE spent €9 million euros in 2023 reimbursing patients who were on waiting lists here but opted to have the treatment carried out in another EU country.

That figure is down from just over €15 million in 2020.

Ms. Ní Mhurchú continued, "unfortunately these figures show that people are less aware of it now. Frewer people are availing of it and the same research showed a 55% decrease in the number of Irish patients getting reimbursements for medical procedures abroad under this cross-border healthcare directive."

The Credit Union has also launched a specific Cross Border health care loan which covers the cost of the medical treatment until the HSE reimburse it.

Nationally, there are over 700,000 people on hospital waiting lists.

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