A Chambers Ireland survey has revealed that 56 percent of businesses in Waterford expect Covid-19 to affect revenue in the next 3 months, and 46 percent over the coming year.
80 percent said they would prefer something for the self-employed like the Temporary Wage Supplement Scheme which would also allow them to work.
41 percent of businesses surveyed in Waterford have completely closed. 24 percent had scaled down while 20 percent had staff working from home.
Waterford businesses said they expect it will be necessary for the government to maintain the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme for another 14 weeks.
52 percent said they were participating in the Scheme.
54 percent said they had already laid off staff.
54 percent said they have sought to defer some of their payments.
On average businesses said If the government were to release the lock down tomorrow, it would take seven weeks for their business to reopen.
4 percent had applied for the Government loan schemes for Covid-19 affected businesses. 11% are considering it currently, while 12 % may do in the future