
Radio is Ireland’s most trusted medium

Radio is Ireland’s most trusted medium

A new poll published by IPSOS MRBI has reinforced radio’s dominant position as the most trusted medium in Ireland. The survey shows radio in poll position, alongside television with a trust rating of 7.9 out of 10 for all adults and ahead of everyone in the crucial 25—44 age demographic at 7.9 out of 10. 

The survey of over 1000 among a representative sample of 15+ during the lockdown period 1st – 13th April 2020 also shows that 96% of people had listened to the radio in the last 4 weeks; almost the entire population of Ireland and 9 in 10 had listened in the last week.

Interestingly, it also shows changes in how radio was consumed. Understandably the restrictions have led to a reduction in “in car listening” with 48% saying they were listening to less. With a massive cohort being confined to their home, the poll also found significant increases in home listening with 72% saying they listened to the same or more radio. Mobile devices (43%) and smart speakers (29%) also saw more listening as our homes have become more and more connected. 

48% of people stated their number one reason for tuning in was to get news and information.  According to Reuters, radio is the most trusted medium across Europe and this latest Omnipoll reiterates this fact and highlights the trusted companion role that radio consistently plays in the lives of people in Ireland. This was illustrated by a connection score of 7.5 out of 10 for radio, second only to TV at 7.7.   This impressive score was double that of social media giants, highlighting just how connected radio makes people feel. It’s worth nothing that no social media network scored more than 3.3 for connection in the survey. Music (26%), up to date COVID-19 Information (21%) and discussion and debate (11%) also featured strongly in people’s thought processes for tuning in to radio.


Radio’s trust levels, immediate accessibility and its flexibility has meant this vital medium has consistently played a key role in communicating COVID-19 information over the past number of weeks. Its ability to deliver a mass national message with regional and local nuancing has reaffirmed radio’s position as a key communication channel.  Radio has provided important updates around social distancing; good hygiene practices and local community supports for vulnerable citizens.  Thanks to radio, these crucial citizen information updates have all been shared to a large percentage of the population.  Radio was also used to great effect by Uachtarán na hÉireann, Michael D. Higgins, when he chose radio to address and reassure the nation around the battle against COVID-19.

Individual stations have all reported increased levels of online listening throughout this crisis as consumers return to the trusted, informative, engaging medium that is radio. Consumers have also used the medium to help them better understand the challenges they face around COVID-19. Radio has also served as a familiar companion and a welcome, entertaining distraction from those challenges, where appropriate.

Radio across Ireland has risen to the challenge brought by COVID-19 and has proven once again that this unique medium lies at the heart of the Irish consumer’s media choice; somewhere it will remain for a long time to come.
