
Food At Faithlegg - Butter Basted Wild Irish Mackerel With Summer Carrot Relish

Food At Faithlegg - Butter Basted Wild Irish Mackerel With Summer Carrot Relish

Food At Faithlegg - Butter Basted Wild Irish Mackerel With Summer Carrot Relish

Jenny Flynn, the head chef at Faithlegg House Hotel, joins Maria McCann on The Saturday Café for Food At Faithlegg. For the August episode, Jenny brings us a tasty Butter-basted wild Irish mackerel with Summer carrot relish.

The Irish carrot season starts in July and August so you will notice a change in their taste and smell of them they are sweeter and great in salads

This recipe is for all carrot lovers, it goes great with mackerel which also happens to be in season. I have garnished it with a pickled summer carrot curl.


Carrot And Coriander Relish


This makes 2x 454g jars

You will need:

  • 500g carrots coarsely grated
  • 1tsp mustard seeds (use 1/2tps whole grain mustard if you can’t get seeds)
  • 1/2tsp cumin seeds
  • 50g coriander leaves
  • 1tsp coriander seeds toasted and crushed
  • 50ml of apple juice
  • 2 red chilies halved and deseeded
  • 8 cloves garlic roughly chopped
  • 175g soft brown sugar
  • 200ml cider vinegar
  • 3cm root ginger grated or roughly chopped
  • 1 lime zest and juice



Mix all ingredients except the fresh coriander leaves in a saucepan. Slowly bring to the boil stirring to help the sugar dissolve, then reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes until the carrot is soft.


Increase the heat a little and cook for 15 minutes until the mixture is soft, the carrots will look almost candied, and the liquid is reduced. Taste and add salt if needed.

Take off the heat and stir. Put into the sterilized jars and cover store for up to three weeks and once opened refrigerate and use within 5 days, before use chop the coriander leaves and mix through.

This chutney is great with fish but also lovely as an accompaniment to a rich cheese board.


Butter Basted Mackerel

To prepare the mackerel remove any pin bones or get the fish monger to do this for you, especially up around the head of the fish these tend to be the stronger bones.

Season the fish and pat dry, heat a non-stick pan for this and add a drop of vegetable oil when the oil starts to spit place the fish skin side down, reduce heat and add 20g butter, baste the fish and turn after 3mins

The fish will cook quickly so continue to baste until butters turns golden

To serve place of a place pour over the nut-brown butter and serve to the carrot relish

Brown bread is a must with this recipe!!



