
Government scrambles to defend reopening plans as GPs unsure of role

Government scrambles to defend reopening plans as GPs unsure of role

The Government was scrambling to defend its plan for reopening indoor hospitality on Tuesday night amid confusion over the role of GPs and calls from the Opposition for more clarity on how the scheme will work.

Ministers and officials were forced to issue several corrections during a day of confusion as meetings continued between Government and industry stakeholders about how the plan – which would see the EU’s Digital Covid Certificate used to get into pubs and restaurants – will work.

As The Irish Times reports, several high-ranking Government insiders were privately scathing about the presentation of the plan.

Minister for Tourism Catherine Martin told RTÉ on Tuesday morning that people could ask their GPs for letters saying they had recovered from Covid and therefore had immunity, but after the Irish Medical Organisation said no such arrangement was in place, Minister of State Ossian Smyth said she had been mistaken.


Mr Smyth apologised for the misunderstanding over the issuing of recovery certificates and said GPs would have no role in issuing letters or certificates.

“I will be issuing the recovery certificates,” he said. “If anyone has tested positive, they should not involve their GP.

They should contact the call centre which has been established. The call centre will have a record of all cases and can issue the cert,” he said.

Port of call

However, the Government later clarified that a letter from GPs could be used both to obtain a digital cert and to gain entry to pubs and restaurants. Asked about the role of GPs during a post-Cabinet press briefing, the Government’s spokesman said: “It is an option, it’s just not the first port of call.”


Officials said the details of the scheme were still being worked out.

The Government said it would introduce the Bill to provide for the changes in the Dáil on Wednesday, and would use the guillotine, a parliamentary device to end debate and force a vote, in order to get the Bill passed.

The Government will then bring the Bill to the Seanad on Friday, after which it will be sent to the President for signature.

Once signed into law, it will be commenced by order of the Minister for Health, allowing the pubs and restaurants to begin indoor service in line with the new rules. The Government hopes that will happen next week, though says it could be the following Monday, July 26th, at the latest.

Eligible people

Ministers were also updated on the progress of the vaccination programme and told that all eligible people aged over 16 would be offered a vaccine by the end of September.

Officials are examining the question of vaccinating 12-15 year olds in the autumn and also the question of a booster vaccination programme, Ministers were told.

The Cabinet also agreed that children under the age of 12 would no longer be required to take a PCR test on entering the State.

There was fierce criticism of the Government from the Opposition all day, though Opposition parties were also divided on the issue of reopening indoor dining.

