
Dunhill History Lectures 2021 By Julian Walton - October 7th, 21st & November 4th

Dunhill History Lectures 2021 By Julian Walton - October 7th, 21st & November 4th
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Dunhill History Lectures 2021 By Julian Walton on October 7th, 21st and November 4th will take place at Dunhill Multi Education Centre at 8pm nightly followed by a question & answer session.
Admission charge of €5 per lecture (can be paid over the phone or by cash in the centre)

These lectures will also be available to live stream from home by contacting the centre.

T: 051-396934 Email:[email protected]

7 October: “Me today, you tomorrow:” the monuments of James Rice in Waterford and John McCragh in Lismore.
21 October: “What I did in the summer of 1833:” The journal of Henry, third Marquis of Waterford.
4 November: “I shall be Glad to get out of this Dungeon as soon as possible:” The schooling of Master Clifton 1751-1760.

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