
World's largest sailing cruise ship arrives in Waterford

World's largest sailing cruise ship arrives in Waterford
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One of the largest cruise sailing ships in the world has arrived in Waterford.

The Wind Surf docked at the Port of Waterford in Bellview at 5.45am this morning.

It has 290 passengers and 202 crew on board.

The Wind Surf has seven computer-operated sails on five masts and is also powered by two diesel-electric engines.


The ship is captained by Gerard Hogan, whose family originally hail from the Cappoquin/Lismore area.

Capt Darren Doyle, Port of Waterford Harbour Master, presented him with a piece of Waterford Crystal's Lismore collection to mark the arrival of the vessel.

Passengers are spending the day touring Waterford and the South East before departing at 5.15pm Friday evening.

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