
Waterford Council publish Gender Pay Gap Report

Waterford Council publish Gender Pay Gap Report
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Waterford City and County Council has published its Gender Pay Gap Report, highlighting the percentage difference between what men and women are paid on average in the organisation, irrespective of roles or levels.

Amongst all Waterford City and County Council employees, the 2024 report shows a Mean Gender Pay Gap of 2.58%. This figure reflects that females are paid 2.58% less than males, while the Median Gender Pay Gap is -5.48%, reflecting the median rate of pay for females is 5.48% higher than the median rate for males.

The report is based on June 30, 2024, the date Waterford City & County Council had 1041 staff across various departments and grades, indoors and outdoors.

65% were male while 35% were female. Of those, 73% were full-time while 27% were part-time.


The gender pay gap reporting does not concern equal pay, however. According to Waterford Council, it indicates the difference in the average hourly wage of men and women in the local authority.

Employees were employed across a range of different services at the local authority with 44% employed in general services, 31% in management and admin, 21% in professional and technical, and 12% in the fire service.

Employers with more than 150 employees in Ireland are required to publish their gender pay gap data before the end of 2024 and within six months of their reference date. Waterford City and County Council and all local authorities in the country had June 30th, 2024, as the reference date.

The Gender Pay Gap calculates the percentage difference between the average earnings of males and females irrespective of their role. The Gender Pay Gap is not the same as equal pay, however.


Employment Equality legislation provides for equal pay for like work. All male and female employees in the local government sector are paid equally for work that is the same or similar or for work of equal value, meaning the report does not examine equal pay, according to Waterford Council.

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